
Pride in Belonging

1 July 2021

Dear Old Boys

Wintery weather reminds us that we actually are well into winter and that we have been spoilt by some very mild days. Having said that, our thoughts were certainly with those of you affected by the floods experienced in Canterbury two weeks ago and hope the clean-up is going well. It was good to see helicopter pilot and Old Boy, Simon Werthmuller (1981-84) on the news offering support in the Upper Rakaia Valley.

Queen's Birthday Decade Reunions are now behind us, and we are left with many great memories reinforced by lots of photographs. The Old Boys' Executive are grateful to the Facilitators who accepted the role and the challenge of organising the individual year groups. We were impressed by the big numbers that descended on the College and Masterton for the weekend. Well done!

It's important to acknowledge the College who hosted morning tea and lunch for 245 Old Boys, partners, and choir members on Saturday.

There will be more about the weekend in the next Rock Runner but in meantime we must start to focus on next year's Queen's Birthday gathering for all those whose cohort left on a 2 year (1972,82,92,2002,2012). Start your planning now and, better still, think about putting your hand up to be a facilitator!

Seeking Co Facilitators for Regional ROBA Functions and Initiatives

At the end of the Decade Reunions its common to hear Old Boys say that it would be good to get together more often. That is also heard at regional gatherings which the Executive is keen to promote more widely. As has been discovered in Auckland, more hands make lighter work. If you are keen to help organize regional gatherings in Auckland, Manawatu, Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa, Wellington, Canterbury, Otago, or off shore, please contact me ( and I will put you in contact with the regional reps who will, no doubt, welcome your support and input.

The Whanganui Collegiate fixture was held at Rathkeale this year and was convincingly won by Rathkeale. An after-match function which was co-hosted by the College's Rugby Club, Old Boys' Assn and the school attracted a pleasing number of supporters from both schools.

The Lindisfarne fixture will take place in Hastings on 3rd August, and we look forward to some spirited Old Boy presence on the sideline there and hopefully a catch up there after.

In the News

Watching Country Calendar last week, I was interested to see Old Boy, Michael Gee Taylor (1977-81) and his very talented daughter, Heather, featuring. It reminded me that many Old Boys have great stories to tell and as editor of the Rock Runner magazine, I would love to hear from you to receive suggestions for copy content.

Also, it was great to learn that young Old Boy, Callan Elliot, (2015-2017) has been named in the New Zealand Football Team to compete in the Olympics. An exciting achievement!

Help Bring Joe Home

Old Boy, Joe Clark, collapsed in Shanghai last November as a result of a brain haemorrhage. He was rushed to Zhongshan Hospital for emergency brain surgery and has been fighting for his life ever since. He remains on a ventilator with some time daily off it to encourage independent breathing.

The progress made has enabled his family in China (wife Jodie and four children aged 8-17) and his family here in New Zealand to work towards getting Joe safely back home to New Zealand.

However, because this is an emergency evacuation flight, complicated further with covid, the cost of the flight will be astronomical. The Old Boys' Executive have resolved to donate a thousand dollars in support of Joe and hope that other Old Boys and friends will feel inclined to follow Joe online and donate to the "Give a little page" set up to support Joe and his family in a time of real need.

Help Bring Joe Home

Warm regards

Grant Harper

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