Pride in Belonging
15 April 2021
Dear Old Boys
March 31st was a special day in many ways. Significantly, the Trinity Schools' Trust Board took possession of the residual acres of the Maunsell Estate surrounding School House. The fundraising done by the Old Boys' Association played no small part in the purchase. Through the generosity of many of you, we were able to make good our pledge of $200,000 and to help to make a dream come true. A lot of work still needs to be done and plans are now being worked on as how best to upgrade and utilise the 6.4 hectares of bush, farmland, and buildings. In the meantime, the College is formulating plans for a celebratory event, probably in mid-May, when interested members of the College community and most certainly Old Boys, will be able to become better acquainted with this special new part of Rathkeale.
"The executive celebrated the settlement of the purchase with champagne"
Coming Up: The Queen's Birthday Weekend Decade Reunions Friday 4th & Saturday 5th June
Excitement and momentum are on the increase as we move ever closer to this year's Reunion weekend. Remember that if you are part of a cohort who finished at Rathkeale in 1970, 71, 80, 81, 90, 91, 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011 then this is your chance to reunite.
Each year group has a Facilitator (or two) who have been gathering support and making plans. Some year groups are combining with their counterparts from St. Matthew's which will undoubtedly enhance the nostalgia of the weekend! Mrs. Van Deventer is co ordinating the singers.
The Programme (for ROBA)
Friday 4th June
6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Mix and mingle for all year groups in the Dining Hall.
Drinks and finger foods.
Wives & partners welcome.
$25 per head payable at the door by eft-pos or correct cash.
A bus to and from the school will be provided.
Saturday 6th June
10:00 AM Morning tea in the Dining Hall.
10:30 AM Year Group photos in front of School House,
11:00 AM Tours of the School.
12:30 PM Lunch (Courtesy of the College).
1:00 PM 20th Year Reunion of the Choir Concert in the Trust House Theatre.
Saturday Evening
Individual Year group activities as organised by Facilitators.
Sunday 7th June
10:00 AM Chapel for absent friends in St. Martin's Chapel if desired.
Contact your Facilitator to find out more, and to ensure you are part of what will be a special couple of days and remember to encourage a mate or two to come along too!
Lindsay Watts
027 246 2542
George Pottinger
Maitlinn Williams
021 221 83636
0247 457 9193
027 344 8450
021 183 1213
Stephen Penn
027 448 1221
Nick Bolton
021 622 070
Hamish Edge
027 247 2730
Mike Tosswill
027 486 09943
Alex Hedley
021 242 1838
Jake Smith
027 642 2001
David Pereira
029 9287114
Honours Ties
The ROBA Executive has advanced the idea of Honours ties for members of the Association who have distinguished themselves in the wider, national and international communities. It is our hope that the first of these will be presented at special assemblies/functions this year. In tandem with the tie presentation, recipient's will have their photographs and brief biographies framed and hanging in appropriate areas of the school.
Old Boys' Golf Day
Another initiative which will have the debut later this year will be the first Old Boys', staff, and student golf day.
This will be a welcome addition to the Old Boys' calendar and one which sports administration at the College are excited about. More information will be provided closer to the time.
With all good wishes
Grant Harper