Pride in Belonging
13 May 2021
Dear Old Boys
I strolled around the College grounds this morning and once again was awed by the natural beauty of the place. The autumn colours were gloriously enhanced by the clear autumn sunshine and the brilliant green of the lawns, fields, and distant hills. However, having recently seen Old Boy, Lachie MacGillivray (1971-75) on national television talking about drought issues in Hawke's Bay and elsewhere, I know that it is difficult for many of you in the rural sector, and the time is over ripe for that autumn sunshine to give way to autumn rain.
As you know, the Old Boys' Association pledged $200,000 in support of the purchase of the School House Bush and associated paddocks and farm buildings on the College boundary. The settlement of the purchase took place on March 31st and it is time to celebrate! As a consequence, the following invitation is extended to all Old Boys and members of the wider College community. Should you wish to attend it will be important that you RSVP as requested in the invitation. https://marketing159328.typeform.com/to/W3KsSBBz
The Old Barn
We hope that many of you will welcome this opportunity to celebrate an important milestone in the College's history. Furthermore, the College would be interested in any vision you may have for the future development of the land and buildings.
Decade Reunions
It is only a month now until the reunions of Queen's Birthday Weekend. The number of those attending has been growing steadily and facilitators are thanked for their effort in this regard.
Remember that if you left Rathkeale as part of a cohort in 1970,71,80,90,91,2000,2001, 2010 or 2011 or if you were a member of the choir over the past 20 years, then this is your year!
NB: Stephen Penn, the 1981 facilitator advises that their Reunion will now take place next year to enable a significant number of overseas Old Boys to attend.
Choir Reunion (message from Mrs K van Deventer).
On Queen's Birthday weekend we are celebrating the journey of the last twenty years. It is 20 years since the Rathkeale Singers was started. This of course led to Trinity Singers and later Viva Camerata. During some of that time, I also took Schola Cantorum. The purpose is - like all reunions - to meet old friends, but we are also hoping to once again share the joy of making music.
There will be 2 rehearsals and a short concert on the Saturday.
FRIDAY [ 4 June]:
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Rehearsal, Rathkeale Auditorium (This will enable choir members to go directly over to the dining room and join the function there if they wish to do so).
SATURDAY [5 June]:
10:30 AM - 12:00 AM Rehearsal, Rathkeale Auditorium.
1:00 PM - 2:00pm: CONCERT: If as a former member you would like to perform a solo item, please let me know.
If you are interested and have not contacted me yet, please do so now on: kvd@rathkeale.school.nz.
Please tell your choir friends!
I would love to hear from you.
Kiewiet van Deventer
We really do want to see you and your mates so print off the registration form below and send it to your facilitator now!
With all good wishes
Grant Harper