Pride in Belonging
27th July 2021
Dear Old Boys
The past two weeks have seen the College on holiday and the world in seemingly endless turmoil. Floods, fires, protests, and the pandemic all have given cause for concern. Hopefully you and yours are all coping well in the midst of global mayhem and looking forward to Spring around the corner.
The 2021 Lindisfarne Fixture
This event will take place at Lindisfarne College, Pakowhai Road, Hastings, on Tuesday 3rd August. Hopefully Hawke's Bay Old Boys will make it to the sideline of some of the games and to an Old Boys' gathering at Jarks Cityside Bar and Restaurant, 118 Maraekakaho Road, Hastings, after the matches.
Old Boys' Work Party
Following the recent purchase of the bush and farmland behind School House, the Old Boys' Association has expressed its interest in being associated with the property's ongoing development. Consequently, a work party is proposed and offers of interest are being sought. Andy Pottinger has already mown the rank grass and as I write arborists are tidying up the trees and a track is being formed to the yards and buildings. It is anticipated that our work party will include all manner of repairs to buildings, fences, yards, etc. More precise details will follow, but if you are keen for such a day in the near future please let me know as soon as possible. mgh@rathkeale.school.nz
Scott (Punga) Campbell (1982 - 1985)
Sadly, Scott passed away in South Africa some months ago, but Covid has made any suitable celebration of his life difficult.
Plans for a get together are now progressing well.
Friday 29th October
10am: Morning Tea - meet at Taupo Golf Club for morning tea & speeches ($15 per person). This will be followed by either 9 holes of golf or some lake fishing for anyone who is keen.
5pm: Dinner - meet at Taupo Yacht Club for bar drinks and canapes, followed by a sit-down dinner ($85 per head for food)
Saturday 30th October
Late Morning - meet at a cafe for brunch and more storytelling (venue tbc)
Please send your RSVP to the organiser either as a WhatsApp direct message to 021 623866 or email adgrigg@gmail.com
With all good wishes
Grant Harper