News & Communications

The Rathkeale College Old Boys’ Association

Patron: J S Taylor
President: Grant Harper
Secretary: Edward Cox

Ten Years on Reunions
Queen’s Birthday Weekend 2018
1968, 1978, 1988, 1998 & 2008 Leavers


The Executive of the Old Boys’ Association is very pleased to publicise next year’s Ten Years On Reunions for all those year groups who departed the College on an “8” year!

This year’s inaugural Reunions left us with no doubt that such reunions are an important addition to the Association’s activities.

Year Group Facilitators for 2018 are being finalised and we now very much hope that you and your contemporaries do all you can to ensure that your reunion is a wonderful one.

Individual year groups may choose their own activities and work in with Old Girls from St Matthew’s or follow the proposed programme.

Please mark it in your diaries (Friday 1 June – Sunday 3 June 2018 ) and resolve to come along.

The Proposed Programme

Friday June 1st

6.00pm -10.00pm Combined Year Groups gathering, College Dining Hall.

An opportunity to mix and mingle with all those attending the weekend. College staff will be invited to attend. There will be brief speeches of welcome early in the evening. Park in the main carpark between School House and the Dining Hall.

Cost is $35.00 per head. Payment is expected upon entry either by EFTPOS or correct cash amount.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, finger food and a light supper will be provided.

Saturday June 2nd

10.00am Official photographs – these will be taken in front of School House in keeping with tradition! Please be punctual so that these can be completed promptly.

10.30am Morning tea in the Dining Hall.

11.00am Tours of the College and a chance for you to poke your noses into your old haunts.

12.30pm Light lunch in the Dining Hall courtesy of the College.

Year Group Facilitators will structure the remainder of the day and
arrange the venue for the evening’s dinner and activity.

Sunday June 3rd

10.00am Old Boys’ Chapel Service in St Martins’ on the Close. Officiating Minister, College Chaplain.

Morning Tea and farewells to follow.

M G Harper

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