News & Communications

Pride in Belonging

Notice of Special General Meeting (SGM)

Notice is given of an SGM to be held at 2:00 PM on Saturday 7 November 2020 in the Archives Room at Rathkeale College (formerly the School House Common Room). All members of the Rathkeale Old Boys' Association are invited to attend and are entitled to vote at the SGM.

The business to be discussed at the SGM is a proposal by the Association to assist Trinity Schools Trust Board acquire 6.2 ha of land adjacent to Rathkeale, being the School House bush and paddocks. One or more motions will be proposed at the meeting authorising the Association to use some or all of its current cash reserves to support the acquisition, including a substantial non-refundable deposit and to commit to a significant fundraising campaign for a further fixed amount to be used for the purchase of the land by TSTB. 

Contrary to earlier notices, there will not be a motion to amend the rules of Rathkeale Old Boys’ Association to allow voting at a SGM and an AGM of the Society by members attending by electronic means (such as Zoom).  Such a change could only take effect at a subsequent meeting.  Accordingly, members will have to be present in person to vote.

Almost all Old Boys of Rathkeale College are members of the Association. An invitation to attend the SGM by Zoom will be provided on the website but those attending that way will not be able to vote. Resolutions passed at the SGM will be conclusive and binding on all members of the Association.

This is an exciting prospect for Rathkeale. The Committee warmly invites members to attend to hear about this proposal and vote on the resolutions relating to it. Papers relating to this SGM are posted here

An earlier SGM scheduled for 20 September 2020 to discuss this proposal had to be cancelled as TSTB had not secured its purchase contract by that date.

Drinks will be served after the meeting.

Enquiries about the SGM can be made to or by telephone to 021 775 733.

Edward Cox
Rathkeale Old Boys' Association

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